UTM parameters for campaign tracking

Use UTM parameters correctly for your marketing campaigns.

UTM parameters are an essential part of online marketing, because UTM parameters allow you to track exactly where hits to your website come from.

You can use this knowledge to target users more effectively and generate even more traffic for your site.

What exactly UTM parameters are and how they are used, we answer in this article.

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What are UTM parameters?

Tracking with UTM parameters is required to be able to correctly assign the accesses of advertising measures in Google Analytics. UTM parameters consist of 5 different parameters which are appended to the target URLs.

So if you’re running multiple campaigns with the same theme on different channels, you can use UTM parameters to determine which channel is performing best.
You can then find this data in the Google Analytics campaign reports.

How are UTM parameters generated?

Using Google’s Campaign URL Builder tool, you can easily create URLs with UTM parameters for your campaigns.

In total, you can use five UTM parameters to define your campaigns, three of which must always be filled in and two of which can be selected optionally.

It is important that you name the Source & Medium parameters correctly to avoid finding different data in Google Analytics. Also make sure that a unique campaign name has been defined.

In the following graphic you can see a screenshot of Google’s UTM parameter tool.

All you have to do is enter the data in the fields marked with an asterisk and the corresponding URL with the parameters you use for your campaigns will be generated below.


What are the UTM parameters?

There are 5 tracking parameters you can add to your URLs:
utm_source: Here you identify the advertiser, website, channel, etc. that sends hits to your website, e.g. Google, YouTube, Facebook.
utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, for example: cpc, referral, email.
utm_campaign: The name of the individual campaign, which helps you identify the campaign.
utm_term: Identify paid search terms. If you want to manually tag paid keyword campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword. 
If you use Google Ads and have linked Google Analytics, this is not necessary.
utm_content: Used to distinguish similar content or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call-to-action links in the same email message, you can use utm_content and set different values for each to determine which version is more effective.
Header link of the newsletter:


Footer link of the newsletter:
When adding tracking UTM parameters to a URL, you should always use utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign.
utm_term and utm_content are optional.

Where can I find my UTM parameters in Google Analytics?

If you have set the parameters correctly and your campaigns are already bringing traffic to your site, you can evaluate the traffic accordingly in Google Analytics under Acquisition | Campaigns.
utm campaign-analytics

This was the article about tracking with UTM parameters

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Marc Heiss

Author: Marc Heiss
Position: Management
Updated: 06.02.2021

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