The web analysis

“Your data is the new gold. We show you how to use them correctly and create your personal web analytics & tracking concept together with you” – Marc Heiss

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Companies are not using your data correctly.


Companies make decisions based on gut feelings instead of data.


The company has an enterprise-wide Big Data strategy, he said. Are you one of them?

Google Analytics & Web Analytics

“Your data is the new gold. We show you how to use them correctly and create your personal tracking & web analytics concept together with you” – Marc Heiss

Free initial consultation


Companies are not using your data correctly.


Companies make decisions based on gut feelings instead of data.


The company has an enterprise-wide Big Data strategy, he said. Are you one of them?

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We support you with web analytics

Do you need support with web analytics? We help you to choose the right web analytics tool and create your personal tracking concept together with you.

You are already a professional in web analytics? 

No problem! We provide you with food for thought and work with you to further develop your web analytics system. Gladly also in the area of tag management (Google Tag Manager, Tealium etc.)

What is the web analytics?

Web analytics, or web controlling, is concerned with analyzing the data your company collects. One resorts here to tools such as Google Analytics, which is one of many tools on the market. The goal of web analytics is to create KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that are important for the company. From this, strategies can then be developed to achieve the company’s goals. 

Abstract: Web analytics deals with analyzing your business data and deriving relevant strategies & metrics to improve the performance of your business.

Why do you need web analytics?

The first step after you have created your website should be to define the goals of your website.

That’s where web analytics comes in. The goals of your website vary greatly depending on the goal of your business. Companies without an e-commerce function typically have certain lead targets in the background. This means requests which are generated via the website.

To make these goals measurable now, you need a web analytics tool like Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4 or similar. Once you have installed the tool accordingly, you need to make the defined goals measurable in it.

In principle, this is an important to-do for every webmaster. After all, I want to know who my visitors are and what brought them to my website. For e-commerce, this is even more essential, as my revenue drivers and influences on them can be read directly from the web analytics data available.

With the information you have now gained, you can answer relevant questions for yourself and your online marketing campaigns:

  • Am I reaching the right target group?
  • Are my marketing measures achieving the desired effect? (target achievement)
  • What can I improve? (web analytics)

10 steps to successful web analytics


Visit the website to be analyzed and evaluate your user-experience, possible errors and areas for improvement.


Check if the actions you have taken are having an effect by looking at the different traffic sources.


Do your visitors find your site interesting? (bounce rate, session duration, ratio of new to returning visitors).


Check if landing pages are unreachable. What are your strongest landing pages?


What are your top-selling sites?


Which search terms are relevant for you? Check where you need to catch up.


Define goals for your site.


How does develop the conversion rate? Where can I improve?


Look at your sales funnel. Where can this be optimized?


Is there data and information that I am overlooking?

What do I do after my goals have been defined?

Once you have defined the goals for your web analytics, you should take care of your tracking concept.

This means you think about how to make the goals visible or measurable in Google Analytics. A tag management system such as Google Tag Manager is also particularly suitable for this purpose.

This step is essential because the accuracy of your data determines the performance of your online marketing activities.

What can I measure?

There are almost no limits here. Everything that your site users do on your site in terms of actions is, in theory, measurable for you.

Here is a list of some metrics and their meaning in Google Analytics:

New users – number of first-time users within the selected period.

Goals – You can use goals to measure how often users perform or complete certain actions on your website.

ConversionsThe total number of sales completed (target, e-commerce).

Campaigns – allow you to add parameters to each URL of your website to get more information about the user source, etc.

Acquisition – overview of the different sources of visitors.

Bounce rate: The percentage of visits to a single page without interacting with the page. One session with jump has a duration of 0 seconds

Source/medium: The source combinations from which accesses were forwarded. Includes sources and media identified via utm_source and utm_medium tags

Users: users who have started at least one session during the time period

Page views – page views refers to the total number of pages displayed. Repeated views of a single page are counted.

Destination page: The pages through which visitors arrived at your website

Conversion rate: This is the percentage of sessions that resulted in a conversion.

Pages/Session: “Pages/Session” (average page depth) is the average number of pages viewed per session. Repeated accesses to a page are counted.

Session length: The average length of a session.

More questions & answers about web analytics

What software can I use for web analytics?

The default software is Google Analytics. To get you started, I would recommend these. Of course there are also alternatives like Sitecatalyst from Adobe or Piwik and many more, which of course can run in parallel.

It is a free web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytics tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.

The service is available to anyone with a Google account.

Features include:

  • Data visualization tools
  • Segmentation for the analysis of subgroups
  • Custom reports
  • Email-based sharing and communication
  • Integration with other Google products such as AdWords, Search Console

Here you can find more information about Google Analytics.

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